This project is geared toward families in Louisville, Kentucky, who are in for a “rude awakening” when their public schools are seized by “the state” following November’s rigged ballot that illegally and unethically sets up the passage of the changes to the State’s 200 year-old Constitution. By the time we realize what is happening, it will be too late to make alternative plans, much less to stop them. Louisville’s wealthy and powerful business leaders’ — and their dark-money-funded, deep-pocketed politicians and lobbyists’ — plan is to turn Louisville, KY into a “Model Project 2025” city. And that’s why they’ve been so desperate to get their hands on tax dollars intended for Louisville’s 100,000 students. With zero charter schools opened up in our state, and JCPS being 3X larger than the next largest district in the state, we are the last big holdout to their master plan. So, that’s why we are doing the work now (and BEEN DOING THE WORK SINCE AT LEAST 2013).
It’s also why visitors who found us through word of mouth will see the directions to get here are written from the perspective of Louisville, KY. But don’t let that discourage you! If you live in another part of the country or the world, but want to be part of the solution, find a stop along the way that you CAN get to and continue the journey to Potcake Island.
Here is the latest “Treasure Map” (check back often because it changes as more information is made available to us) that is included with the Activity Book, which will soon be available for purchase on Amazon. (Expect the first release around Sept. 25, 2024.) There will be a $250 charge for the first editions of the book for the very simple reason that they contain SECRET INFORMATION that is only available to our donors, investors, volunteers who sign a non-disclosure agreement. By paying the $250, you are agreeing to keep the confidential information sacred. For the safety of the victims who we advocate for, primarily. But also because we must protect against infiltrators who seek to undermine our activities, including government officials, double agents, and billionaire elites. One can never be too safe when it comes to these spaces, so thank you for your understanding. The first edition will be a COLLECTOR’S ITEM, no doubt, so get in on the ground floor today! If you have $50,000 or more to invest or donate, contact us and let us know at what level you would like to participate! Let’s do this!
Be sure to get your passport today because it can take 6-8 weeks to process once submitted. If you don’t have funds, apply for a scholarship or run for our Decision Making Council. A portion of the donations we receive will be used toward Passport Scholarships. Apply today! Donate today! INVEST TODAY!